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How to register: Step-by-step tutorial

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Autor(ka) Zpráva
Petr Bauman

Založen(a): 29.1.2007
Příspěvky: 288
Město: České Budějovice

PříspěvekZaslal(a): 02. 02. 2007 15:08:44    Předmět: How to register: Step-by-step tutorial Citovat

1. Click on "Registrace"
2. Click on "Souhlasim s temito podminkami a je mi vice nez 13 let." (for English translation of the Registration Agreement Terms see the next topic in this forum)
3. Fill in the 5 fields in the "Registracni udaje" section
- "Uzivatel" = your first name and surname (please, use your real name, not a nickname)
- E-mail address
- Heslo = Password
- Potvrzeni hesla = Confirm password
- Overovaci kod = Confirmation code (Enter the code exactly as you see it. The code is case sensitive and zero has a diagonal line through it.)
4. Set "Jazyk fora" (in the section below) to "English"; when you re-login, you will be able to use the forum in English.

Please, when you finish registration and login successfully, take your time to fill in your profile: at least the location (city and state is enough) and occupation. Also, in the "interests" field, describe in brief what exactly you do in P4C. Thank you.
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