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On-line course in P4C

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Autor(ka) Zpráva
Michel Sasseville

Založen(a): 14.4.2007
Příspěvky: 3
Město: Québec

PříspěvekZaslal(a): 21. 01. 2008 21:18:51    Předmět: On-line course in P4C Citovat

Hi everyone!

I wish I could read tchek. It is not yet possible.
I see that there is a lot of activities on the Forum, hopefully that it is a sign of the activities in classrooms.
For those who speack French, and I remember that some of you can do that, I invite you to follow the on-line course at Laval University. To know more about it, just clik here http://www.fp.ulaval.ca/philoenfant and click on Cours à distance.
If you want to, you can also participate at the French Forum in philosophy for CHildren at this adress: http://www.ovc.ulaval.ca/ms/phpBB2
I wish you all the best for the year 2008!
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Alena Brepta Skuhrovcová

Založen(a): 3.1.2008
Příspěvky: 32
Město: Karlovy Vary/Č. Budějovice

PříspěvekZaslal(a): 20. 02. 2008 19:16:22    Předmět: Michael.. Citovat

don´t worry about it, that you can not speak czech..
I am now at Belgium to study at erasmus program, and I hope that my english will be better. So if you would like, i can reffer you about czech activity in forum. Maybe it improve my english..Smile

There are lot of section:
Arrow documents- in Ceske Budejovice are two programms P4C, where students try doing P4C with children in freetime. So in dokuments are notes from their lessons..
Arrow Forum- In a part of P4C for children till 8 year is discuss if it is posible with so young chidren, to do it and ifd it is P4C or some preparation. There are some attempts to define P4C and thinking about that how children comprehend world arround them.
Arrow In a part of P4C for high school is here a question for contact at other teachers which practicle P4C.. But there is no great answer..
Arrow In a part P4C and freetime pedagogy is a lot activities. There are discusion about lesson which are in documents. There are practical experience and problems.. Many people try help or discuss about this toppic, say their opinion.
Then you find here discusion about difference between Freetime P4C and school P4C.
Arrow Next part name P4C and religious education- in this semester will be open at our faculty new subject , use model P4C: Dialog faith with unfaith.
I thing about events in spirit P4C in this page is everything..If some toppic will interested you moore, you can write me, and i try translate it..
I am sorry if my english is no good, but i hope you understand me..
Nice day..

Smile Smile

Naposledy upravil Alena Brepta Skuhrovcová dne 22. 02. 2008 11:43:55, celkově upraveno 1 krát.
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Michel Sasseville

Založen(a): 14.4.2007
Příspěvky: 3
Město: Québec

PříspěvekZaslal(a): 21. 02. 2008 20:13:35    Předmět: Thanks you so much Citovat

Dear Alena,

Thank you so much for your help!
I sse you are in Belgium. I have a colleague from Belgium here in Canada right now who will be back in Belgium next week. Maybe you can contact him. Could you tell me whre you are in Belgium?
Thanks again for your help.
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Alena Brepta Skuhrovcová

Založen(a): 3.1.2008
Příspěvky: 32
Město: Karlovy Vary/Č. Budějovice

PříspěvekZaslal(a): 22. 02. 2008 11:56:40    Předmět: Citovat

I am studying in Katholieke Universiteit Leuven..It is 20 km far from Brussel.. I can contact him.. You're nice..
Thank you and have i nice time:-)
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